
Partial: Like the shade of a great rock in a Weary Land. Graphic and shellac on paper, 2022. Artist David James.

To stand in the Sun,

take the brunt of the heat.

The scorching.

The pain.

It is an impossible task.

Nourish the parched.

Feed the blackened soul.


Impossibly beautiful.

Impossibly divine.

Words Errant Saiety

Image: David James.

Ear parcel: Olfur Arnards – sunrise sessions II with Josin.


David James, Nelson Aotearoa

Who I am.

I don’t belong here,

Yet I do.

No one welcomed me.

I was alone.

The good Lord didn’t fix that.

Yet it did.

To give myself over.

To surrender.

To breathe.

What is it to know god?


What is it to know the unknowable?

As a pagan, I can feel the Christian ideal.

A thunderous god full of cleansing.

A forgiving Odin, lol.

We all know that doesn’t exist.

I could almost embrace a Judaic God

Yet, he would never accept my uncleanliness.

I can remake myself in the eyes of the Christian God.

I can do anything and win favour by being loyal.

That does not encourage self-development.

If I have to vanquish my enemies

I will be alive.

I can still love and forgive,

I will never cease growing.

My enemies are within.

I will devour them.


Words: Errant Satiety

Image David James

Ear parcel : Aikyo